1970 to 2022
12,000 square foot one room location
State Librarian's Award 2013
Litchfield which incorporated as a village back in 1877, a generation after the first farm families arrived to plant corn and grain crops and a full century before it became a city in 1970. Litchfield 's original library was established right around the time they added sidewalks, and a fire department. Litchfield had a library well before its first telephone line (1855) or street lights (1889). Litchfield District Library prides itself on offering local residents a friendly and convenient place to gather for events, information, entertainment, and services. Gone are the days when the library was simply the place to borrow a nice book to read on a lazy afternoon. Like most libraries, Litchfield has changed throughout the years as technological advances continue to redefine what a library is -from a card catalog linked to a quiet set of bookshelves, to a whole array of digital and mixed media resources intended to meet the ever evolving needs of its patrons to connect and communicate with the larger world. Today's libraries aren't silent study halls; they are active, dynamic places filled with people and life.
May 2022 to Present